Step 2.2 Comparing Exposure Doses to Health Guidelines

Evaluating Noncancer Effects: Exercise 1

After estimating the exposure dose of arsenic for a person gardening at Oak Estates, you compare the exposure dose to a health guideline:

noncancer exposure dose =

formula for non cancer research does


mrl for non cancer dose

On the basis of this comparison, which of the following statements is appropriate?

Exposure dose is higher than the MRL. Exposure should be further evaluated.
Exposure dose is lower than the MRL. Noncancer health effects are unlikely to occur.
Insufficient information for an initial evaluation


cross mark Exposure dose is higher than the MRL. Exposure should be further evaluated.

checkmark Noncancer health effects are unlikely to occur.

cross mark Insufficient information for an initial evaluation.

Because the exposure dose is lower than the minimal risk level, it would not be expected to result in noncancer health effects.

Page last reviewed: May 31, 2016