Literature Resources

  1. Chess, C. et al. 1994. Proceedings of a national symposium on risk communication: Next steps for government agencies. Risk Analysis.
  2. Chess, C., and Hance, B.J. 1994. Communicating with the public: Ten questions environmental managers should ask. [brochure]. Center for Environmental Communication, Rutgers University, New Brunswick: New Jersey.
  3. Claudio, L. 1996. New efforts to address childhood asthma in the Bronx. Environmental Health Perspectives 104:1028-1029.
  4. Claudio, L. 1997. Increasing minority participation in environmental health sciences. Environmental Health Perspectives 105:174-176.
  5. Claudio L., Torres T., Sanjurjo E., Sherman L., and Landrigan P.J. 1997. Environmental health sciences education: A tool for achieving environmental equity and protecting children. Environmental Health Perspectives (In press).
  6. Fisher, A., Pavlova, M., and Covello, V. Eds. 1991. Evaluating risk communication programs: A catalogue of ‘quick and easy’ feedback methods. In Evaluation and Effective Risk Communications Workshop Proceedings, 45-61. Washington, DC: Interagency Task Force on Environmental Cancer and Heart and Lung Disease.
  7. Hance, B.J. and Chess, C. 1994. Planning successful risk communication: A training module for agency managers and staff. [Video]. (Available from the Center for Environmental Communication, Rutgers University, New Brunswick: New Jersey).
  8. Hance, B.J., Chess, C., and Sandman, P.M. 1988. Improving dialogue with communities: A risk communication manual for government. Division of Science and Research, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
  9. Johnson, B.B. 1993. Advancing understanding of knowledge’s role in lay risk perception. Risk Issues in Health & Safety 190-212.
  10. National Research Council. 1996. Understanding risk: Informing decisions in a democratic society (P.C. Stern and H.V. Fineberg, eds.). Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
  11. Ortolano, L., and Wagner, T.P. 1977. Field evaluation of some public involvement techniques. Water Resources Bulletin 1131-1139.
  12. Pflugh, K.K., Shaw, J.A., and Johnson, B.B. 1992. A guide to effective communication planning. New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Energy, ed. Trenton, New Jersey.
  13. Presidential/Congressional Commission on Risk Assessment and Risk Management. 1997. Framework for environmental health risk management. Washington, DC: Presidential/Congressional Commission on Risk Assessment and Risk Management.
  14. Rosener, J.B. 1981. User-oriented evaluation: A new way to view citizen participation. Journal of Applied Behavioral Studies 17(4):583-596.
  15. Slovic, P. 1993. Perceived risk, trust, and democracy. Risk Analysis 13(6):675-682.
  16. Wandersman, A., and Hallman, W.K. 1993. Are people acting irrationally? Understanding public concerns about environmental threats. American Psychologist 48(6): 681-686.
  17. Weinstein, N.D. 1989. Optimistic biases about personal risks. Science 1232-1233.
  18. Wynne, B. 1989. Sheep farming after Chernobyl: A case study in communicating scientific information. Environment 10-15, 33-39.
Page last reviewed: June 20, 2014