Appendix A: Resources

Appendix A: Resources
Resource Topic Sub Topic Web Links
Child care policy and siting regulations Administration for Children and Families regulations
Department of Defense
General Services Administration
New Jersey
New York
Building an ECE siting program Cross-sector partnership building
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s national voluntary school siting guidelines
Emergency response
Model regulations
Drinking water systems State policies and regulations
Federal policies and regulations
Reducing lead exposure and responding to elevated lead levels
Cleaning bacteria (drinking water fountains and hot water tanks)
Forms New York State child care forms (all)
Site evaluation and inspection
Information child care programs and resources Connecticut
Nation wide
New Jersey
New York
Topics not addressed directly in this manual Sun exposure
High-volume roadways (air pollution, traffic or pedestrian hazards, etc.)
Consumer products used in the ECE setting (cleaning products, art supplies, artificial turf, pressure-treated wood playscapes, etc.)
Maintenance issues and activities (mold and moisture, pesticide use, etc.)
Natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, heat, etc.)
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