Cooperative Agreement Directory
Region 1 | Region 2 | Region 3 | Region 4 | Region 5 |
Connecticut Massachusetts New Hampshire Rhode Island |
New Jersey New York |
Pennsylvania Virginia |
Florida Georgia North Carolina Tennessee |
Illinois Michigan Minnesota Ohio Wisconsin |
Region 6 | Region 7 | Region 8 | Region 9 | Region 10 |
Arkansas Louisiana New Mexico Texas |
Missouri | Colorado Montana Utah |
Arizona | Alaska Idaho Oregon Washington |
Web Site: Arizona Department of Health Services, Environmental Health
- Hsini Lin (Principal Investigator)
Phone: (602) 803-3740
Web Site: Arkansas Department of Health
- Ashley Whitlow (Principal Investigator)
Phone: (501) 280-4041
Web Site: Connecticut Department of Public Health, Site Assessments and Chemical Risk Unit
- Meg Harvey (Principal Investigator)
Phone: (860) 509-7748
Web Site: Florida Department of Health, Hazardous Waste Site – Health Risk Assessment Program
- Anita Poulsen (Principal Investigator)
Phone: (850) 901-6898
Please note: All email correspondence for Florida’s cooperative agreement staff can be sent to If you wish to contact a particular person, please mention their name in the subject line.
Web Site: Georgia Department of Public Health – Chemical Hazards Program
- Franklin Sanchez (Principal Investigator)
Phone: (404) 657-6534
Web Site: Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Environmental Health Education and Assessment
- Brigitta Gruenberg (Principal Investigator)
Phone: (208) 616-5271
Web Site: Illinois Department of Public Health, Environmental Health Protection, Toxicology
- Aaron Martin (Principal Investigator)
Phone: (217) 785-5886
Web Site: Louisiana Department of Health
- Rosalind Green (Principal Investigator)
Phone: (504) 568-8814
Web Site: Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Bureau of Environmental Health Assessment
- Dalene LaPointe (Principal Investigator)
Phone: (617) 624-5757
Web Site: Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Bureau of Epidemiology
Generic Office Phone:
(517) 335-8350
“800” Toxic and Health
Hot Line:
- Andrea Keatley (Principal Investigator)
Phone: (517) 284-1273
Web Site: Minnesota Department of Health, Hazardous Sites and Substances
- David Jones (Principal Investigator)
Phone: (651) 201-4565
Web Site: Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Bureau of Environmental Epidemiology
- Jeff Wenzel (Principal Investigator)
Phone: (573) 751-6102
Web Site: Montana Department of Health and Human Services
- Dawn Nelson (Principal Investigator)
Phone: (406) 417-9848
Web Site: New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
- Robert Thistle (Principal Investigator)
Phone: (603) 271-1417
Web Site: New Jersey Department of Health, Environmental and Occupational Health Surveillance Program
- Somia Aluwalia (Principal Investigator)
Phone: (609) 913-5109
Web Site: New Mexico Department of Health
- Srikanth Paladugu (Principal Investigator)
Phone: (505) 795-2505
- Haemi Rogers (APPLETREE Program Coordinator)
Phone: (505) 709-5539
Web Site: New York State Department of Health, Bureau of Environmental Exposure Investigation
- Christine Vooris (Principal Investigator)
Phone: (518) 402-7860
Web Site: Ohio Department of Health, Health Assessment Section
- Stephen Helmer (Principal Investigator)
Phone: (614) 728-3611
Web Site: Oregon Health Authority, Environmental Health Assessment Program
- Kim Tham (Principal Investigator)
Phone: (971) 757-8056
Web Site: Pennsylvania Department of Health
- Julie V. Miller, PhD, DABT (Principal Investigator)
Phone: (717) 787-3350
Web Site: Rhode Island Department of Health
- Michael Byrns (Principal Investigator)
Phone: (401) 222-7766
Web Site: Tennessee Department of Health Environmental Epidemiology Program
- David Borowski (Principal Investigator)
Phone: (615)-741-7247
Web Site: Utah Department of Health, Environmental Epidemiology Program
- Alejandra Maldonado (Principal Investigator)
Phone: (801) 538-6340
Web Site: Virginia Department of Health, Public Health Toxicology Program
- Dwight Flammia (Principal Investigator)
Phone: (804) 864-8127
Web Site: Washington State Department of Health, Site Assessments Program
- Maureen Sanchez (Principal Investigator)
Phone: (564) 669-1331
Web Site: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Health
- Curtis Hedman (Principal Investigator)
Phone: (608) 266-6677