
The former training course “Public Health Assessment and the Community” has been updated with a new web-based training, including modules that are accredited for continued education. Click on this link to be transferred to the new training.

Public Health Assessment Overview 1 – Mission and Community” is the first of a series of 3 online learning courses for public health professionals and trainees. The courses provide a detailed summary of the public health assessment process. This is the process the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) uses to evaluate whether people could be harmed by hazardous materials.

The current course, “Public Health Assessment Overview 1 – Mission and Community” not only explains ATSDR’s role in the public health assessment process; it also shows how affected community members can become constructively involved in that process.

Use the links on the left to view the course description

  • view the course goals and learning objectives,
  • view the course outline,
  • register to receive Continuing Education credits,
  • view additional information about this course, or
  • begin the course.

Please note that all of the material in the course, including the interactive exercises, and the advanced exercises, will be included on the post-test.

If you have questions or comments about this site, please contact us.

ATSDR Mission

The mission of ATSDR is to serve the public through responsive public health actions, to promote healthy and safe environments, and prevent harmful exposures.

Page last reviewed: May 31, 2016