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Oak Ridge Reservation

Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives

Historical Document

This Web site is provided by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) ONLY as an historical reference for the public health community. It is no longer being maintained and the data it contains may no longer be current and/or accurate.


The Vision is the absolute or ideal perception. To promote the health of all residents in the communities surrounding the Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR).


The Mission is the scope or purpose for the work of the Subcommittee. To provide ATSDR and CDC with advice regarding public health studies and activities relating to people who may have been exposed to radioactive and chemical emissions from the ORR.

Goals and Objectives

The Goals are the broad statements of how we will achieve the Mission. The Objectives identify the measurable ways in which the Goals are achieved.


To provide informed recommendations to ATSDR on the public health evaluation of contaminants of concern (COC) released by the ORR.


  • Identify any situations likely to have exceeded the established minimum risk levels of concern.
  • Evaluate information regarding COCs potentially impacting communities surrounding the ORR and the potential public health effects of exposure.
  • Generate a bibliography of materials used to evaluate each COC.


To provide informed recommendations to ATSDR on the health needs of the public resulting from exposure to COCs.


  • Hold Focus Groups and Availability Sessions to gather information on the health needs of the public.
  • Ensure that each issue/concern is captured in ATSDR's Concerns Database.
  • Use information in the Concerns Database and any provided in public forums to collect additional health needs of residents.
  • Identify public health issues, health education needs, and health care resources (both available and needed).


To ensure that the results of public health activities are made available to the ORR community in a timely and understandable manner.


  • Develop audience-specific programs to communicate findings back to the public.
  • Use community groups/resources already in place (e.g., Senior Centers, churches, community centers, 4-H clubs, school groups, YWCA, court houses, etc.) to communicate our findings.

Contact Us:
  • Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
    4770 Buford Hwy NE
    Atlanta, GA 30341-3717 USA
  • 800-CDC-INFO
    TTY: (888) 232-6348
    Email CDC-INFO
  • New Hours of Operation
    8am-8pm ET/Monday-Friday
    Closed Holidays The U.S. Government's Official Web PortalDepartment of Health and Human Services
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, 4770 Buford Hwy NE, Atlanta, GA 30341
Contact CDC: 800-232-4636 / TTY: 888-232-6348

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