Other Resources
To learn more about ATSDR, the chemicals we are investigating at this site, odors, CAFOs, or stress caused by environmental contamination, please visit these additional webpages.
Information about ATSDR
- Visit: https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/
- Call 1-800-CDC-INFO (232-4636)
Materials from ATSDR Public Meeting in Tonopah, AZ – 2/27/2018
Environmental odors may come from human activities, animals, nature, vehicles, and industry. This fact sheet discusses common symptoms, sensitive populations, reducing exposure, and odor control solutions.
Animal Feeding Operations (AFOs)
The information on this page can get you started learning about AFOs.
- CDC/NCEH’s webpage on Animal Feeding Operations
Page last reviewed: September 9, 2019
Content source: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry