Common Types of Contaminant Fate and Transport Information
Common Types of Contaminant Fate and Transport Information
Environmental Medium
Type of Information
Groundwater |
- Hydrogeology (e.g., types of aquifers and soils/sediments/bedrock, hydraulic conductivity)
- Geochemistry
- Precipitation, infiltration rates
- Recharge sources, discharge areas, influent and discharge streams/seeps
- Groundwater flow direction, depth to aquifer, aquifer thickness
- Well location
- Groundwater uses
Surface water/sediment |
- Precipitation, temperature
- Influent and discharge streams
- Point and nonpoint source discharge areas
- Stormwater drainage system locations
- Surface water uses
- Soil and sediment type(s), permeability, particle size
- Floodplains
Soil |
- Physical and chemical properties of soil (e.g., soil type, organic content, permeability, pH)
- Topography (as it affects soil erosion/runoff, e.g., slope)
- Vegetative cover
- Precipitation
- Site activities
Air |
- Topography (valleys, hills)
- Predominant wind direction and speed
- Precipitation, temperature
- Existing air pollution conditions
Soil gas |
- Sub-slab gas most accurately predicts vapor intrusion potential.
- Near-source soil gas for source characterization
- Soil gas vertical and horizontal profiles for spatial characterization
- Several rounds in cold and hot seasons show temporal variability
Food chain/biota (plants, animals) |
- Plant and animal species consumed
- Soil type (e.g., as it affects plant uptake)
- Wildlife migration patterns
- Feeding habits of wildlife/livestock
Waste materials (e.g., exposed wastes, liquids, drums, mine tailings) |
- Waste type
- Approximate time waste materials have remained on site
- Climate (can affect waste degradation)
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