Types of Land Use and Natural Resources Information
Information Examples
Site accessibility |
- Presence, integrity, and suitability of warning signs
- Security measures such as fences and gates
- Physical signs that people or animals have gained access to the site
Use of land on or near the site (e.g., types and levels of activities for potentially exposed populations, CERCLA or RCRA sites in area) |
- Residential
- Commercial
- Industrial
- Recreational
Youth-centered areas |
- Childcare operations
- Elementary, middle, and high schools
- Children’s athletic facilities
- Recreational facilities
Waste and disposal sites |
- Landfills
- Surface impoundments
- Smaller sources of contamination (e.g., junk yards, gas stations)
Recreational uses of the site |
- Dirt biking
- Camping
- Fishing
- Hunting
- Hiking
Recreational areas around or near the site |
- Parks
- Playgrounds
- Beaches
Future land use |
- Planned or proposed changes to site for intended purposes in the future
- Proposed land transfers, current zoning
Locations of public and private water supplies—used on-site or off-site for drinking water, agriculture, or commercial purposes—and their distances from the site |
- Groundwater wells (particularly hydraulically downgradient of the site)
- Surface water intakes (particularly downstream of the site)
Surface water use |
- Swimming areas
- Boat areas
- Commercial, sport, or subsistence fishing areas
Locations of any drainage systems (see if potential conduits for contamination) |
- Springs
- Creeks
- Drainage ditches
Nearby agricultural areas |
- Crops
- Orchards
- Gardens
- Feedlots
- Pastures
- Dairy Farms
- Beehives
Market/consumption patterns for foods from nearby agricultural areas |
- Home
- Local
- Regional
- Commercial
- Subsistence
Biota (plants and animals) potentially affected by the site |
Patterns of human consumption of biota potentially affected by the site |
Tribal populations preparing and using food in traditional ways |