Example Site Summary Table

Example Site Summary Table
Storage Area #1
Former Fire Training/ Landfill Burning Area
Pesticide Handling Area
Site Description/Waste Disposal History
  • 42-acre area located along the railroad yard in the northeastern portion of the site.
  • Since 1942, incoming raw materials have been sorted here for distribution to the appropriate receiving facility.
  • No hazardous wastes were produced here, but some of the incoming raw materials were classified as hazardous.
  • Fire Training Area is a gravel pit 30 feet in diameter located northwest of the Main Test Area.
  • Wastes were burned in this area approximately 20 times per year from 1973 to 1978.
  • Liquids drain from the burn area via a pipe into a small pond to the west.
  • Located in the north central part of the site.
  • A new Pesticide Storage building used to store and mix pesticides and herbicides replaced an old building in 1984.
  • Reportedly, all liquid from the sumps is recycled, and no discharge, spills, or releases have been reported.
Investigation/Environmental Monitoring Results
  • Groundwater: No volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs), or inorganics were detected above health-based comparison values (CVs).
  • Surface Soil: Arsenic (18 parts per million [ppm]) was detected above CVs. Soils naturally contain low levels of arsenic. Background concentrations of arsenic range from 1 to 40 ppm with a 5 ppm average.
  • Shallow Groundwater:VOCs detected above CVs (maximum concentrations are in parentheses) included: TCE (680 ppb), PCE (15 ppb), and 1,1-DCE (300 ppb). Cadmium detected (6 ppb) slightly above background and some of its CVs. Other metals detected below CVs.
  • Deep Groundwater: 1,1-DCE (150 ppb) and methylene chloride (9 ppb) detected above CVs in on-site wells.
  • Groundwater: No pesticides were detected above CVs.
  • Surface Soil: Aldrin (0.0483 ppm), chlordane (4.92 ppm), and dieldrin (1.1 ppm) were detected above CVs.
Corrective Activities and/or Current Status
  • A RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act) Feasibility Investigation (RFI) has been completed.
  • Draft report recommends no further action.
  • No further action planned.
  • RFI is complete.
  • Long-term monitoring of groundwater is ongoing.
  • RFI is complete.
  • Remediation of pesticide residues reportedly conducted on old facility and surrounding area before construction of new facility.
  • Resampling of soils is planned for April.
Exposure Conditions
  • No past, current, or anticipated future use of groundwater in site area.
  • Access to the area is not restricted.
  • Shallow groundwater is not used as a drinking water source.
  • Private wells (deep groundwater) were used in the past in residential areas upgradient of the site.
  • No past, current, or anticipated future use of groundwater in site area.
  • Access to the area is not restricted.
Identified Data Gaps The site area is not fenced, and it is not known whether children or others access the area now or in the past. The exact date when deep groundwater was first used as a drinking water source is unknown. The site area is not fenced, and it is not known whether children or others access the area now or in the past.
Page last reviewed: August 4, 2022