Who’s Involved
This section explains ATSDR’s role in the public health assessment (PHA) process and describes the various entities involved in the PHA process activities.

PHAT, Module 2

Refer to Module 2, Public Health Assessment Overview, in ATSDR’s Public Health Assessment Training (PHAT) course. Learn about ATSDR’s multidisciplinary approach to conduct the PHA process, and the roles of individuals involved in the process in this ATSDR training module. The link below will take you to the module’s registration page in CDC TRAIN.

- ATSDR’s mandateLearn more about ATSDR’s mandate, access an organizational chart, and get other resources.
- What Is ATSDR?Watch this video to learn more about ATSDR.
- PHA VideoWatch this video to learn about ATSDR and the public health assessment (PHA) process in communities.